Donate to
The Kinder Society
The Kinder Society Ltd is a registered charity under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). You can be confident that every dollar you donate will help us create kinder homes and communities for children to thrive in. Specifically, your donation will allow us to:

  • Design, produce and distribute resources, initiatives and products to support, empower, motivate and educate children, families, and communities to improve child safety and family wellbeing;
  • Design, develop, facilitate or provide services, facilities, programs and other resources to support, empower, motivate, and educate children, families and communities to improve child safety and family wellbeing; and
  • Any other activities that are consistent with our charitable purpose.

Dimensions of Wellness

Fundraise in


Raising money on behalf of a school? From ticketed performances to international food fairs and fetes. Your school is invited to come up with an original idea but you can also use these:

  • Get families involved in a ‘healthy treats’ bake sale
  • Have a Tie-Dye Party
  • Ask students to donate unwanted toys or books and hold a public sale
  • Host a movie or trivia night
  • Have a walk-a-thon (or any kind of a-thon)
  • Run an art exhibition or talent show

Whatever it is, make it fun, and remember The Kinder Society team is here to support you along the way.